
redovisningsbyrå i stockholm

Your accountancy firm in Stockholm

At BQ Redovisning we help you with all aspects of your finances. We focus on your unique requirements, providing everything from complete solutions to individual assignments. Contact Us
redovisningsbyrå stockholm

Your accountancy firm in Stockholm

Continuous bookkeeping Year-end/annual report Payroll administration Get a Quote

A modern accountancy firm with tailored solutions.

Finding an accountancy firm has never been easier! Entrepreneurs often find the complex area of accounting stressful due to a lack of knowledge. But with us as your accountancy firm, you have someone to help you with all or part of your ongoing bookkeeping. We adapt to your needs and make sure you get quality assured accountancy and help from a personal advisor. Ongoing bookkeeping includes everything from bookkeeping Post and paying suppliers’ invoices to sending out customer invoices and reminders. Of course we report to the authorities when required, and are always available to support you when needed. We aim to make your bookkeeping process digital and web-based. Therefore we offer a web-based business system with intelligent solutions that save time and make the process more straightforward and efficient.

Our corporate package always include:

  • Continuous bookkeeping
  • Payroll administration
  • Accounts receivable
  • Supplier accounts receivable
  • Incoming and outgoing payments
  • Cash outlays

We know that annual accounts can be stressful, so we manage the whole thing for you!

Financial statements must be prepared every year, regardless of form of company. Limited liability companies and economic associations are also required to submit an annual report to the Swedish Companies Registration Office. For those limited liability companies that retain an auditor, an auditor’s report must also be submitted with the annual report. At BQ Redovisning, we help you to prepare everything you need for the annual accounts, and we handle all contacts with the auditors. All year-end material is prepared in accordance with current rules and standards. In addition to this, we prepare and submit the income tax return to the Swedish Tax Agency and help you with your K10.

Our corporate package always include:

  • Annual report
  • Annual Accounts
  • Accruals
  • Depreciations
  • Appropriations
  • Income tax returns
We take care of the entire financial statement for you

Declarations, VAT and taxes; we handle it all!

There are many questions and issues when you have to submit declarations or draw up reports. What are input and output VAT, how much tax should you pay, and why does F-tax change when you pay the final tax? We have worked with these issues for many years, with everything from self-employed individuals to large limited liability companies. With us, you don’t need to worry about what to declare. Simply give us your financial documents and we will do the work so that you can save energy and spend time on what’s important to you.

Our corporate package always includes::

  • Tax declarations
  • Reporting to the
  • Swedish tax agency
  • VAT declarations
  • Employer Returns
  • Income tax returns
  • K10
Declare and book with BQ redovinsing

Effective payroll administration with Sweden’s most reliable accountancy firm.

Salary administration is an entire world of laws, rules and complicated clauses for every industry, which can feel overwhelming. At BQ Redovisning, we can handle your bookkeeping and reporting, and also calculate payroll, report to authorities, submit declarations and all the other things that can feel overwhelming when you’re running a business. Our professional advisors are always at hand to handle all of this and answer your questions

Our corporate package always includes::

  • Payroll runs
  • Lews
  • Taxes
  • Holiday
  • Reporting
  • Employer’s returns
Let BQ accounting arrange the salaries

Here we provide news about important events for entrepreneurs.

For an entrepreneur and owner of a company, it’s important to keep up-to-date with the news without having to be an expert or to understand financial terminology. Every day there are changes in various corporate segments. Here you can keep up to date with changes in various laws and regulations without worrying about complicated terminology. We make sure you get the most important business news, updates and all the current information that is important for you as an entrepreneur.

On our News page we keep you up-to-date with everything relating to accounting and reporting:

  • New laws and rules affecting entrepreneurs
  • Important dates for tax and VAT rules
  • Updates from BQ Redovisning
Här håller ni er uppdaterade med alla nyheter som rör bokföring, moms, lagar med mera

Declarations, VAT and taxes; we handle it all!

There are many questions and issues when you have to submit declarations or draw up reports. What are input and output VAT, how much tax should you pay, and why does F-tax change when you pay the final tax? We have worked with these issues for many years, with everything from self-employed individuals to large limited liability companies. With us, you don’t need to worry about what to declare. Simply give your financial documents to us and we will do the work so that you can save energy and spend time on what’s important to you.

Our corporate package always include::

  • Tax declarations
  • Reporting to the
  • Swedish Tax Agency
  • VAT declarations
  • Employer Returns
  • Income tax returns
  • K10
Deklarera och bokför hos BQ redovinsing

What We Do

Accounting firm with the perfect solution for you

Get a quote customised for your company







    A safe accounting firm with fixed prices​

    We provide the best prize packages for bookkeeping and accounting.

    Bussiness Package Medium
    2995 SEK/per month
    This package is aimed at companies with an annual turnover of up to SEK 1 million, one employee and 10 supporting vouchers per month:
    • Continuous bookkeeping
    • Payroll administration
    • Reporting VAT and employer contributions
    • Financial statements/annual Report
    • Income tax returns
    • Complete accounting and reporting
    Enterprise Package Medium
    4995 SEK/per month
    The package is aimed at companies with an annual turnover of up to SEK 3 million, three employees and 30 supporting vouchers per month:


    • Continuous bookkeeping
    • Payroll administration
    • Reporting VAT and employer contributions
    • Financial statements/annual Report
    • Income tax returns
    • Complete accounting and reporting


    Enterprise Package Large
    7995 SEK/per month
    The package is aimed at companies with an annual turnover of up to SEK 6 million, 6 employees and 50 supporting vouchers per month:
    • Continuous bookkeeping
    • Payroll administration
    • Reporting VAT and employer contributions
    • Financial statements/annual Report
    • Income tax returns
    • Complete accounting and reporting

    Why Choose us

    You have time for other things

    Choose an accounting firm that gives you time for business. With BQ, you can feel confident that we have full control of salaries, tax returns, financial statements and everything else that concerns the economy.

    A personal agency

    BQ Redovisning is the agency that puts the entrepreneur in focus. We know how important it is to have a working contact with the accounting firm, so we make sure that you always have us close at hand.

    Thinking about starting your own business? We can help you with everything from advice to start-up, regardless of the company form. BQ Redovisning will guide you every step of the way, helping you feel secure after you’ve taken the big decision!
    Finding the right person for your business can be difficult. We look for the skills that you need for your company. Our effective solutions bring you the best the employment market can offer, entirely without risk.
    We know that accessibility is important to all of our clients, whether they are large companies or small ones. With Sweden’s safest accountancy firm, you always have a personal contact close at hand.

    More than 45 Years
    of Experience

    1000+ projects
    20+ workers
    5+ collaborations with
    non-profit organizations
    50+ satisfied


    BQ Redovisning strives to provide entrepreneurs with the best available information regarding finances, new laws and regulations as well as general tips and advice for those who run a business. Whether you are a customer with us or not, you are always welcome to have a look at our posts and news here.

    Your finances are in safe hands with us

    We offer comprehensive solutions adapted to each client’s specific needs. With BQ Redovisning, you have more time for other things.

    What our clients think of Us

    Read what our clients say about our services:

    Request a call Back.

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